
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Role of a Christian Teachers in a Christian College"

"Role of a Christian Teachers in a Christian College "

by Prof. Dr. M S Jayaraj*

Introduction: The term Christian teacher is used in this paper with a definite understanding. The Christian teacher professes the Christian faith - by Christian faith it is meant his acceptance of God's revelation in Jesus Christ, his teachings, spirit, mind, Character, grace and Lordship of Christ and a belief that the bible contains the word of God. He is also a communicant member of a Church.

Certain presuppositions or Qualities expected of a Christian teacher: In order to understand the role of a Christian teacher it is very necessary to enumerate and discuss certain presuppositions of Christian teacher.

1. He endeavours to possess and practice excellence of character and purpose, love of God (Eros) and love of neighbour (agape), honesty and sincerity, justice and hope, obedience and fidelity.

2. He takes his profession as a vocation. The term vocation is used here in the same sense in which it is found in Ephesians 4: 1 where it is said " ye walk worthy of the vocation where with ye are called" and also as found in I Corinthians 7:20 where it is said "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called". Prof. Elton Trueblood in his book "Your other vocation" says that "The Idea of vocation is that God can call us to many kinds of activity and the secular work well done is a holy enterprise" (P-58) He also says "God makes the vocation but we can fail to follow it, because God works by coercion- We can deny our vocation, either by insensitivity to God's call, so that we fail to hear, or by disloyalty after we have heard."

3. He believes that the main idea of education in Christian college is a true "Paeparatio Evangelica" i.e the preparation for receiving the gospel of Christ.

4. He also acts as a lay minister. He takes his faith and vocation with interest and in an intelligent way.

5. He takes interest in his subject and as he believes that his profession is his vocation he masters his subject in an efficient manner.

A Christian Teacher and the college: Though a Christian teacher may be employed in different capacities, he identifies himself as a par of the institution. Even if he is appointed on temporary basis he proves his loyalty to the institution without any doubt. He ungrudgingly does the extra amount of work that he is asked to do as a Christian teacher. He has in addition the following attributes:

1. His actions are all inclined towards the better interest of the institution and may not do anything which may bring down the good name of the institution.

2. He takes special interest in the developmental activities of the college.

3. He feels that the relationship between him and the college should not be one of that between the employee and the employer, but of that between the members of the same family. A college is what its teachers make it. The earliest universities grew around a group of teachers who had attracted pupils by the fame of their learning.

4. He fully understands the purpose of the Christian college which are

a. Training of the community

b. Producing men and women of integrity of character and intellectual maturity, endowed with understanding, wisdom and judgement.

c. Producing competent men in the field of their studies.

d. A true praeparatio evangelica

He identifies his work as part of this mission.

A. Christian teachers work in relation to students.

His work in relation to students has the following special characters:

1. He cannot possibly hide his faith even if he wishes. Any student who comes into contact with such a person runs the risk of conversion (i.e) of coming to see the truth as the teacher sees it. It is a known fact that we teach more by what we are than by what we know. No other equipment is comparable to personal worth. The teacher whose own conduct is regulated by the high qualities of an ideal Christian life will by the force of his own personality best aid his students to regulate their conducts-by the same exalted standards.

2. He always impresses upon his students the convictions that we are sincere, and sincerity is a virtue of character and character is the great moral and religious light whose radiations guide and direct more than do our words. Character is God's currency. It is never subject to depreciation or devaluation. Its owner may purchase souls for the kingdom when his beggarly dole of knowledge remains useless and worthless on the thresholds of a soul.

3. Prof. S.P. Dongerkery in his book Universities and their problems (P-99) says. "The success of a university teacher is not to be judged by the Classes or Honours his students secure at the university examinations nor even by the impressions he creates during the lecture hour. The results of examinations and the impressions are soon forgotten. On the other hand if the teacher by his personal example has been able to influence even one or two students out of hundred to do something in later life which adds even one iota to the happiness of the human race or one more brick to the edifice of human knowledge, he may be said to have succeeded beyond measures". This statement is more applicable to a Christian teacher. Prof. Dongerkery further states," No teacher can wield this kind of influence if he is seen only during the lecture hour and vanishes from sight before the echoes of the college bell have died on the air". "He must join and mix freely with his students in the library, on the playing field, in the debating hall and in the several corporate activities of University, or college life that add savour to it. This again may be taken as a good guideline for the Christian teacher in his relationship with the students.

4. A good Christian teacher has concern for the student who is sick, for the one who is irregular in attendance, the one who comes late and also for the student who is out of tune with other students. He will be willing to sacrifice if necessary to bring such a student again to the fold just as a Jesus was willing to go all the way for the lost one.

5. A Christian teacher helps to equip the students for an abundant life in society. He educates the students for life and not merely for success in the examinations. His guidance makes it possible for the student to have right attitude towards religion, arts, literature, sciences, customs, beliefs values etc. He makes him a cultured individual. He arouses in him a spirit of honest and objective inquiry.

6. He aids the student to think freely and fearlessly. He guides him in the path of Christocentric thinking. He keeps in mind the words " I am the way the truth and the life" John 14:6.

Opportunities for the Christian teacher to exert his influence successfully.

Among the various opportunities available for a Christian teacher in a Christian college for exerting his good influence mention may be made here of the following:

1. Class room: this is the first place where the Christian teacher practices his truth, honesty, punctuality, sincerity and devotion to work. He views the class as an arena to test his presuppositions. It is his every day proving ground.

2. Tutorial classes: As the number of students in this class is very limited he practices to know them personally and find out their problems and tries to give them wise counsel. He wins the student's confidence and acts as their elder brother.

3. Hostels: Life in hostels is very important. In Dr. Radhakrishnan's report (1949) Page 373 he says " No single factor has a more vital effect upon the atmosphere and moral of a college or a university than the prevalent conditions under which students live" Again it is said in the same report P.376. "Living in a hostel is an important part of education, it is a way of life and here students learn to live decently or indifferently or even in uncouth fashion".

The responsibility of the Christian teacher as a Warden is very heavy. He has to guide and lead the students in all spheres of life and the student's look to him as a friend and philosopher. He hears witness to Christ through his habits and character. He moulds the student's character and inspires discipline. In many of our colleges unfortunately our wardens are almost reduced to the status of a glorified mess manager. Their only mission in the hostel becomes that of providing food without any complaint at the right time. This results in their missing their more important responsibility thoroughly.

A Christian warden has perfect understanding with his wards. He even calls small batches of students to the warden's lodge for tea or dinner occasionally. He also keeps a specified time daily or a few days in a week as "Sprechstunde" for the students to approach him in his house and have a free talk.

4. Sport and games: Through games the Christian teachers inspires in the minds of the youngsters love and humility. Further he incites, team work and selflessness. In students can be caught to face Victory or defeat in the correct spirit. Mutual respect for rules and regulation is well taught here. The common sight of students quarrelling in the courts for points sake and the general indiscipline in the field can be completely erased by the participation or the teachers. It also helps the students to take a lively interest in their games.

5. Study tours and excursions: These provide a valuable opportunity to the Christian teacher to come in very close contact with students for a longer duration though for a few days. The Christian teacher can guide and help the student in many ways. He endeavors to help them overcome sham leadership, empty boasting etc. He creates sense of selfless service and "Esprit de corps". He also teaches planning and execution honesty in money matters etc. It is also possible to lead the students in prayer and worship during this period. He also aims at setting the Christian students as an example to the non-Christian group. As such excursions and study tours can do much good to the staff student relationship they must from an integral part of the curriculum of a Christian college.

6. S.C.M: Though the S.C.M. provides only limited contact with the students yet its importance cannot be minimised. Here the teacher has contact mainly with the Christian students. We cannot forget that the Christian students need as much if not more spiritual help as any other students. He brings the truth of Christ before them in a more direct and personal way. He can witness his personal faith before them and thereby draw them towards Christ who is the saviour of the world.

7. Chapel service and morning devotions: This is an excellent venue through which the Christian teacher exerts his responsibility to the students convincingly. He proclaims the good news of Christ. Wherever possible he relates this good news to his subject and brings out the fundamental truth that we get all truth from God and for a Christian there is no conflict between wisdom and truth. The teacher by regularity and exemplary behavior draws the attention of those who attend the chapel. He also takes a personal interest in the students especially when he finds them continuously absent or roaming about elsewhere during the time of service. Though there should not be any compulsion to bring these students for worship yet he exerts his good influence in all possible good methods to bring them to the services for which they may be grateful in their later years.

Conclusion: The Christian teacher has a great responsibility in effecting a change in the outlook of the Christian colleges in India . The college has to serve the human society in all the needs and in the way of learning and scholarship. It may be said that the relation of a Christian college to the society is a "dialectical" one it must be at the same time the servant of the Society and yet transcend it. It should be in a position to lead the society in the intellectual field. It should also guide the society in the spiritual walk of life. The interpretation of Christ by the Christian teacher to the society is one of the important tasks of the Christian colleges.

It is my firm belief that much work has to be done to get devoted, inspired and talented Christian teachers in our colleges if we are to be of any real effect in our task of catering to the spiritual needs of the society and in our Christian witnessing within the University community.

Let us then work in earnest, and our mission will never fail for we are not alone in this task but God is with us.


  1. The crisis in the University. Sir Walter Moberly S.C.M Press London
  2. The redbrick University by Truscott.
  3. The future of the Indian University – J.R. Macfail. Y.M.C.A Publishing house.
  4. Lindsey Report on Christian higher education (1930)
  5. The Radhakrishnan Report. (1949)
  6. Universities and their problems – S.R. Dongerkery, Hind Kitabs Limited Bombay .
  7. Thoughts on Indian education – Wilson College , Bombay .
  8. The making of a teacher – Brumbaugh.
  9. What is Christian education – George A. Col
*September 5th being teacher's day I am giving above article titled "Role of a Christian Teachers in a Christian College " written by Prof. Dr. M S Jayaraj. He is a noted academician and was the First Dean of the College Development Council of the Pondicherry Central University during which time he was also the Director of the Academic Staff College in the University. He taught Zoology in Voorhees College - Vellore , Hislop College - Nagpur & Alagappa Chettiar College in Karaikudi. His coveted recognitions include "Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society" of London, "Fellow of the Zoological Society" of London and he was also the recipient of the Best Teacher Award from the Govt. He has authored several articles on varied topics. His Books "Animal Ecology & Distribution of Animals" & "Developmental Biology" continue to be the preferred books for graduate and postgraduate students as well as for civil service aspirants.

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